Monday, November 17, 2008

Of Mice & Men: Blog 6

Chapter 6 Response

Lennie, Lennie, Lennie, through all his mentally deficient moments, he's still the cutest little thing. &What makes it even worst is his feminine love for soft things. &The most weird one was the rabbit. Guys aren't supposed to like rabbits. Well, at least they're not in my opinion. Lennie, and his rabbits just was the funniest thing, ever. (.= Like a man that has such infatuation towards a dagg on animal is kind of creepy. Like, he may not want it to come off that way. But, boy does it portray that emotion. I thought it was so adorable how Lennie told himself, "I got to be good, or else I won't be able to tend the rabbits." The rabbits were like his motivation, his incentive. It gave him something to look forward to, something to smile about that. &That's something a lot of people in this world don't have. &It's cute how Lennie shows his emotions. Aunt Clara.. Ha! It's funny how Lennie in the beginning he couldn't remember Aunt Clara as Aunt Clara. He used a different name like This lady, or something. But, towards the end while he's daydreaming the thought of her yelling at him saying how good George is too him, he starts to recollect who she is. To Lennie she was just some lady, but towards the end she becomes Aunt Clara again.

Photo Shoot

It says to put a picture of a gigantic rabbit, but i don't think Lennie wants the rabbits he's gonna be tending to be the same size as himself..

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