Friday, October 31, 2008

Of Mice & Men: Blog 1

Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck
Jaleyah Davis
Pictures are used with things that portray that character.

John Steinbeck is a man known for his amazing skills in his literature. The way he defines the settings and meanings in a more artistic way, causes the reader to become enthusiastic about that section. It draws the reader in to learn more and more, and gradually develops their understanding.

The setting of the story is very old school. It's no where near 21st century life. It is more like the intense racism days, and the days were whites over ruled blacks, regardless, things like that. Also, the setting is on a ranch in Salinas, California.

George appears to be a tough guy, but on the inside you know he'll always feel that punch of guilt. He's also intelligent, but it doesn't come off in his appearance. He's also curses like a sailor whether it's necessary for emphasis or just to say it. He has a mind of his own and says whatever he feels regardless of who's around. He's not a snitch, and he takes care of Lennie as a brother. Even though he belittles him every chance he gets. So overall George is a Bully, but under all of his armor he has a heart of gold.. I picture George as a Gorilla.

Lennie is mentally deficient, but behind all his dumbness he is an extremely strong and caring person. He may be very hesitant to harm someone in the beginning but in the end you will get hurt. And even though your hurt he won't notice it.. 'Cause he thinks he's just messing with you. Nothing plays out properly in his mind. He is somewhat contrite when it comes to him an his incidents. I picture Lennie as an elephant. I know it sounds stupid, but think about it. Elephants never forget anything, even though Lennie forgets somethings he still has a mental picture of the main piece of information. He will be so apologetic towards you because whatever he did is instilled in his mind and he feels a form of guilt.

Chapter Review
In the book Of Mice and Men George was Lennie's caretaker. Lennie couldn't do anything without George's say so. That starts to tick Curley off. See the thing with Curley is that since he's a small guy he doesn't like big guys. So he judges Lennie by his appearance rather than his personality. So Lennie let's Curley throw him around a couple of times, but with George's vocal assistance Lennie gave him what he had coming. He practically broke his hand. To me that was the main part of the chapter.